Best Coffee machines

 If you’re determined to find the best coffee machine for making a cappuccino, there are some important things you need to know before you begin. Just follow these five tips for choosing the best machine and you’ll enjoy making your very own cappuccino.

  1. An important factor when you start looking for the Best Coffee machines available is making sure that you know what a cappuccino consists of. This might sound obvious but believe me, I have seen first hand, friends try to make a cappuccino using a plunger or a drip percolator. A traditional cappuccino requires an espresso shot of coffee in the bottom third of the cup, a third of the cup of hot milk, then followed by the remaining third of froth and topped of with shaved chocolate. If you don’t use an espresso machine for the job, then you run the risk of making a weak coffee or a flat white.
  2. Another important consideration is to make sure you have control over the amount of espresso shot produced. A manual or semi-automatic machine will give you this control, whereas automatic and super-automatic machines measure the shot for you. It’s critical that you have full control over the shot because it allows you to make different strengths and sizes of cappuccino’s. If you make sure that you choose a semi-automatic machine, then you’ll be fine.
  3. You don’t have to spend a lot of money in order to find the best coffee machine for making a cappuccino. All you need to do is a little bit of research and make sure that you choose an espresso machine, not a plunger or drip percolator.
  4. Instead of complicating your efforts by buying a commercial coffee machine try checking out the Amazon best seller list for Espresso machines and compare pricing and features of the three best sellers. Usually, best sellers sell the best for a reason.
  5. Have you considered visiting your local coffee retailer and asking to try some coffee from a range of machines? It’s not as difficult as you might think. Most retailers have in-store demo machines for this very purpose. They will also be happy to give you a personal espresso machine review to help you make an informed decision.

So if you really want to find the best coffee machine for making cappuccino’s follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to coffee paradise in no time.

Troy D is a passionate coffee lover who spends his spare time researching the best coffee machine resources available. A fan of the espresso style of coffee, he has spent time in Italy, France, London, Germany and Indonesia sampling some of the finest coffee in the world. His hometown is Melbourne, undoubtedly the coffee capital of Australia and he believes home to the best coffee in the world.
