Oxford Cleaners

 To get the edge, you need to present you property in pristine condition in order that it is presented as hassle free to potential owners. Unless they’re buying a property that requires renovation, buyers generally want the condition of the property to be in good order that they can move in or rent it out without spending any money. Small issues such as creaking cupboards, broken light fittings or damaged window screens mount up — prompting buyers to flick your listing into the ‘too hard’ basket.

I often see properties that fail to achieve their full worth because of lacklustre preparation & presentation. When I attend viewings, whether buying or selling, I find the same mistakes over and over again. There are a few simple things that almost anyone can do that will have a positive effect on the sale price of your home, Without costing the earth.”

A building or shed for housing a motor vehicle or vehicles

Garages, according the Oxford English dictionary, are defined as place where motor vehicles are stored, yet in reality this is mostly not the case. Less than 20% of garages are actually used to keep a in at some point. Why? Most people who own a vehicle that they use regularly can’t do with messing around with keys for the garage door, driving the car out, getting out of the car and locking the garage door — all at 8am on their way to work. In fact most garages are abused as a perfect storage space — out of sight, out of mind.

Common uses for the out-of-the-way space is gardening equipment, tools, cardboard boxes, scrap wood, old sofas and redundant TVs. This causes garages to quickly pile up, leaving many with the unenviable task of playing life-sized Tetris with the latest rickety stool.

Using garages as a storage location is a great use of the unused space but, if you venture down this path, always be careful not to fall into the trappings that catch many out.

So, how do you deal with clutter in the garage? Firstly, depending on exactly how cluttered — and how big — your garage is, you may need to set a day or few days aside to tackle this behemoth. Start at the front, sorting everything as you go, and work your way to the back wall. Put things into piles like, for example:

  • Throw away
  • Recycle
  • Give to charity
  • Offer to friends and family
  • Keep in the garage
  • Move to the house/attic/basement

You should soon see a massive improvement with the amount of items taking space in your garage. Make sure any old boxes of electrical goods are first searched for any applicable vital documents or warranty/guarantee cards.

Once you have your garage stripped out it may well be worth adding some sort of filling or sorting system. Tools can be hung on the wall on a tool board, or tidied neatly away in a tool box tower. You could employ old wardrobes or chests of drawers to keep the clutter clear.

Garages are perfect for storing away items you don’t use very often or things you don’t necessarily need all year round but make sure you don’t let your garage get into a state by piling things up and letting them be.

Maid2Clean Warwick provide the best, most reliable Oxford Cleaners in the Midlands area at a competitive cost. Get in touch with us today to receive your FREE quote.
